Our old fav users are all gone fufilling their dreams. It makes me miss those old days whenever i would see a good artist on the front page. Paragon....bafana.....hell i havnt seen much of trancecrafter. So what are we left with now? Just some rising gods who can't go to par with those legends.
I can promise i will be still be around for a while giving a few free tunes and whatnot because i hate seeing this places audio portal fall. It was the reason why i joined on my coleknows account in the first place :)
I know i can follow that persons beatport or something but their music isn't the same. Cornandbeans was a true god at trance, making some awesome sounds. Nemesis theory knew how to make a good trance song and dj babokon always made my jaw drop to the floor whenever i saw something new from them.
But now i have nothing to look forward to in this place. It's just a dumping ground for my mp3's that never get much attention. I dropped the top 5 thing a long time ago lol.
If their are any of our fellow audio gods left still occasionally kickin it, please tell me. I know waterflame is still making stuff but i feel like he is the only one.
Xmillsa.......if only he was back.
There are a lot of good artists gone, but there are more to take their place. I think the problem is that the great artists get less exposure than the average artists because of the screwed up voting system.
This guy is amazing: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/494414">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/494414</a>
I know. The voting means nothing to us.
And yes that artist.....too many words to describe at how good he is :)